Tuesday, November 5

So. Tomorrow. Fixing the hair. Having coffee with Traidy. Secondhand shopping for the next shoot. And I should make time to watch that movie with Elm. And study. Oh how I need to study. And Oh how I love public international law. It just makes so much sense. Amazing really! Oh. Don't have time to sleep. That's all I really know. No time to sleep.

The story of today features my precious sister.
She phone's me to find out how to get to Kungens Kurva in Stockholm.
So I give her the name of the subway, the number of it as well as the colour of the lane. Not to mention the place where it is headed to. Now…… do we think she understands what I'm saying… well, no. So I tell her to go to the other side of the tracks because she's facing the wrong direction…. she walks to the other side of the sign…which obviously says the same thing as the first side of the same sign did… She cannot for the life of her understand why she can't find the right lane…until she realises she's one platform too far down//////I die laughing.

Then she rides the subway, changes to the bus and heads to Kungens Kurva….only to find out when she gets there…..it's the wrong hotel//////I die again.

She phones back a few hours later to let me know she has now finished her shopping and has figured out she was meant to take the tram, and not the subway. Good stuff I reckon. She checks in and gets the key…..and then can't unlock the door….because she's fucked up the key….rides down again and gets a new key….enters the room to find a note that says "Today will be Your day". How about maybe not. Then she gets her period. Then she goes to get ice…..and leaves the key in the room so she has to go down to the reception again to get yet another one/////I'm dead by now. Can't laugh anymore.

Did I mention she's coming to ZA in January? AAAAAAHHHH SO EXCITING HAHAHAHAHHA!!