Friday, December 31

Day 11 - Your Siblings

My siblings. I have three of them, two brothers and one sister. They are awesome. And on occasion a huge pain in the ass. But mainly awesome, so lets focus on that part.

Martin - 20.
Reckons he is God. Or at least one of the Gods, depending on what religion one may have. If you believe in the Greek mythology, he would rate himself as being Zeus. He's a wise fella who for some reason always manage to get things done before me, like learn how to ride the bicycle, get his drivers, get his tattoo done.... the list is rather long.

Marcus - 19.
Doesn't reckon he is above and above everyone else, amazingly enough in this family of mine. He's one of the few people I know who honestly doesn't give a hit in what anyone else thinks, but does his own thing, regardless if anyone else is joining him.

Mia - 17.
The most hilarious kid that's ever been created! She can out of nowhere do the most stupid things just because it pops into her head. The best one being the African dance. Hands down. Love it haha.

Thursday, December 30

So lately I've needed breaks from mankind. Even gotten sickn'tired of myself (rather descriptive I know!). However, now I'm going to go and buy ice cream. Ohyes, it's still raining. I do however have 100 or so movies which Carel left behind to go through, yay to the ambitious people! And 5 seasons of Dexter, still not really top notch, but might get there.......I still need food........To be continued......... wahaha!

Monday, December 27

1. Hur gammal är du om fem år? 27
2. Vem var den sista du träffade? Ali
3. Hur lång är du? 176 cm
4. Vilken var den senaste film du sett? Remember Me
5. Vem ringde du senast? Luz
6. Hur löd ditt senaste sms och till vem? Hahaha fosho! Beyli
7. Vad är dagens planer? Ska snart sova, har spenderat dagen pa stranden med Luz & Phil och kvallen med Ali
8. Föredrar du att ringa eller skicka sms? Ringa
9. Är dina föräldrar gifta, sambos eller skilda? Gifta
10. När såg du senast din mamma? 6 manader sedan
11. Vilken ögonfärg har du? Grön
12. När vaknade du idag? 10ish
13. Har du någon gång hittat en katt? Nej haha
14. Vilken är din favoritplats? Sangen eller bibliotek
15. Vilken plats föredrar du minst? Beror pa, oftast paverkas av personerna omkring mig
16. Var tror du att du befinner dig om tio år? Nagonstans dar jag ar lycklig
17. Vad skrämde dig som barn? ?
18. Vem fick dig att skratta senast? Paulina
19. Är du för ung för att äga vinylskivor? Ja
20. Har du stationär eller bärbar dator? Bärbar
21. Sover du med eller utan kläder på dig? Bara trosor
22. Hur många kuddar har du i sängen? Fyra stycken
23. Hur många landskap har du bott i? Ett
24. Har du någon gång spytt på fyllan? Nej
25. Föredrar du skor, strumpor eller barfota? Skor
26. Är du social? Lite for social
27. Vilken är din favoritglass? Daim
28. Vad skulle du göra om du vann en miljon? Betala skolan 
29. Tycker du om kinamat? Ja
30. Tycker du om kaffe? Likt en narkoman tycker om droger
31. Vad dricker du till frukost? Kaffe
32. Sover du på någon särskild sida? Hoger?
33. Kan du spela poker? Mja, kan och kan....
34. Tycker du om att mysa? Beror pa
35. Är du en beroendemänniska? Ja
36. Känner du någon med samma födelsedag som din? Nej
37. Vill du ha barn? Ja
38. Kan du några andra språk än svenska? Ja
39. Har du någonsin åkt ambulans? Nej
40. Föredrar du havet eller en pool? Pool
41. Vad spenderar du helst pengar på? Skor eller vanner
42. Äger du dyra smycken? Nej
43. Har du någon gång testat narkotika? Nej
44. Vad var det senaste du stoppade i munnen? Chips
45. Vem är den roligaste människan du känner? Min syster
46. Välj ett ärr på din kropp? Strykjarn pa min mage haha
47. Vad har du för ringsignal? 2Pac - Rebel of the Underground
48. Har du kvar klädesplagg sen du var liten? Nej
49. Flirtar du mycket? Haha kanske, beror pa vem man jamfor med antar jag
50. Vart togs din profilbild för din blogg? Mitt vardagsrum
51. Kan du byta olja på bilen? Nej
52. Har du fått fortkörningsböter? Ja
53. Vilken var den senaste bok du läste? Flyga drake
54. Läser du dagstidningen? Nej
55. Prenumererar du på någon veckotidning? Nej
56. Dansar du i bilen? Mja, sjunger mest
57. Vilken radiostation lyssnade du på senast? Lyssnar pa skivor
58. Vad var det senaste du krafsade ner på ett papper? Kurserna jag maste gora nasta ar
59. När var du i kyrkan senast? Nagon manad sedan
60. När grät du senast? Det var ett tag sedan nu

Will you tell me once again
How we're gonna be just friends?
If you're for real and not pretend
Then I guess you can hang with me

When my patience's wearing thin
When I'm ready to give in
Will you pick me up again?
Then I guess you can hang with me

And if you do me right
I'm gonna do right by you
And if you keep it tight
I'm gonna confide in you
I know what's on your mind
There will be time for that too
If you hang with me

Just don't fall
Recklessly, headlessly in love with me
Cause its gonna be
All heartbreak
Blissfully painful and insanity
If we agree

Oh you can hang with me

When you see me drift astray
Outta touch and outta place
Will you tell me to my face?
Then I guess you can hang with me

And if you do me right
I'm gonna do right by you
And if you keep it tight
I'm gonna confide in you
I know what's on your mind
There will be time for that too
If you hang with me

Just don't fall
Recklessly, headlessly in love with me
Cause its gonna be
All heartbreak
Blissfully painful and insanity
If we agree you can hang with me

Saturday, December 25

Awesome Christmas! Even though I'm missing the snow, and thick jackets and mittens and everything else which belongs to it. And skumtomtar! Daamn the lack of Swedish things in this country haha.

Friday, December 24

So. Christmas. And I'm in Africa. And it's raining. Again. And this day has been fairly well, let's say, different. And it feels like I've spent all day on the road or in the bar. There is something happening within me which is leaving me feeling empty. And, well, I don't know anymore.

Thursday, December 23

Day 10 – What you wore today

As I left my camera with Phil & Luz there will be no photos.
I am however wearing a green/black/white patterned strapless dress. A pair of black sandals with metallic pattern. A skull-necklace. A skull-ring. A ring without a stone. One plastic watch. A black alice-band and lots of hairpins.


And once more it's late when I get home.
I'm tired. And over going out. Think I'm getting old.
And beside the point I've bought a diary for 2011, well, nothing and everything.
I'm stuck in my own head and a massive breakdown is reallyreally close.
Don't understand why I can't say no to things I shouldn't do.
Experimenting with oneself's emotions and mental well-being is not to be recommended.
Now I'm going to watch Amelie from Montmartre and drink a huge cup of mint-green tea.
And yes sometimes loneliness is better when one is not alone

Sunday, December 19

So we decided to take a roadtrip to JBay. And sleep in St Francis. With strangers. Now I'm dead. Shall buy noodles/chicken/vegetables and make a wok and watch Audrey Hepburn movies with the company of Paulina. Alcohol is bad for you. God I'm tired.

Friday, December 17

My wishlist? I need new shoes. Especially the first ones. I lovelovelove!
You shall find them here. Size 38.

So in the house which top-floor I can see over my wall has caught my interest. It seems that the only thing which it is being used for is to play pool. Men. Usually wearing suits go there to play pool. It fascinates me. Who are these people? Is it an office which have put a pool table to relax its employees? The questions are many, the answers are few. Haha I really need to find something to do in this misery of days. I'm not even keen to go shopping. It's a sadsad day.

Day 09 – Your beliefs

So I'm giving the whole thing with moments a skip. Everything consists of moments and my memory is as good as the one of a goldfish. Therefore, the moments I'm sharing are the ones which are being discussed outside this list of days. Therefore, Day 9 - My beliefs: 

I'm not a religious person. I don't believe in priests nor the bible. I understand how the church can restore hope and faith in people, and I like the peacefulness most churches have. I do believe that there is a higher power, and that every person has a destiny, however, the choices one makes in life may change the path one have to take in order to get there.

I believe in myself and in no regrets. I believe in my friends and honesty. I believe in my family and love. I believe everything will feel better as long as you feel beautiful. And most of all, I believe in music.

Another day filled with rain and thunder, amazing!
Last night Luz, Phil and I watched Saw 1-3.
Which means I have another 3 movies still unwatched lying in a pile next to my tv.
Damn something needs to happen soon.
It should have been the opening of the season yesterday.
Well that didn't happen, so I guess it's cancelled today aswell.
Ah fuck it, I have nothing important to say, the only thing I've done lately which might be significant is that I've finally sent the application to CSN.

Thursday, December 16

Sunday, December 12

Day 07 – Your best friend

I have one soul-mate in this world. Frida Ehrencrona. We are the bestest thing which this world have ever seen. We go under the name David & Goliat uber alles and our song is Mr Brightside with The Killers. I miss her like crazy as we aren't exactly in the same....well....Continent/Country/Province/City/Suburb which sucks. We also have another friend which we take pity upon and let him play with us when it comes to the girly stuff, as that is indeed what he does better than the two of us together. Per Skärdin. The three of us forms the golden alliance of THE AVIATORS. In order to uphold this amazing trinity we have tea-parties. And I'm rather upset regarding the fact I'm not going to spend another awesome New Years with them. Not top notch!