Sunday, November 7
Day 01 - Introduce Yourself
So since I really can't find any inspiration to study right now, lets start with this list.
Day 01 - Introduce Yourself:
22 years of age. Finished high school in June 2008. One year late I know, needed a break after grade 10 so I took a year off and moved to Buffalo Flats, East London, South Africa. Changed my outlook on life rather dramatically. Anyway, lets take it from the beginning. I have three siblings and two parents. An insane family which doesn't really fit in any box. I'm the eldest of my siblings (Martin 20, Marcus 19, Mia 17 (yes my parents lack imagination for names... Clearly.)). Brought up in a suburb with my mother not working until my sister started school. Thus the lack of day-care whatever experiences, explains a lot I know. In my family football is not as much a interest as a religion. And travelling. And music. That might constitute to our holy trinity. Not much for religion as such, apart from the vibe of the church which I find very soothing, I can't say I believe in the bible to a great extent. I do however believe in something. Just not too sure what quite yet.
Anyway, I'm a geek. Have always loved reading and school. Thus the enrolment of International Baccalaureate (IB). Hands down the best decision ever. Reason as to why I ended up in South Africa after grade 10? I would love to say it was my decision, but I have this theory that my mum is the great mastermind behind this decision. It is however just a theory.... I was choosing between Ecuador and South Africa, because every other country was way too normal or too close to Sweden. I'm not a big fan of normal, it's too boring. So after being in SA for a month in grade 9, and absolutely loving it, the choice fell on Africa once again. After a huge hassle with hostfamilies I left Sweden not having a clue where I would end up, neither town nor family was sorted out at the time... I ended up in a township. In a house smaller than the apartment I'm staying in right now as a student. Yes, I did cry myself to sleep for at least the first month, possible the first two. It did however change everything. It still amazes me how people who, let's say, don't have a lot can be so much more happy than the ones who have everything and then some. After high school I moved to Norway and then back to South Africa, where I'm currently at.
What else? I love music. Shoes. Dictators. Economics. Black and white movies. New people fascinates me. I wish I could do something spectacular, like paint reallyreally well. Or sing for that matter. I'm rather amazing at Singstar though. And I love Tony Hawk. Makes me want to start skateboarding. I've tried, didn't end well. For my knees, nor my hands. Highly entertaining though. I'm addicted to caffeine and nicotine. Love my friends and family. Hate false people. Liars. Sand. Drugs. I don't lie. I'm outspoken, very much speaking behind the spoken. I get drunk before I've finished a bottle of cider. Got my licence with the encouraging words of; practice the changing of gears and you will be great. Apparently one shouldn't look at the gearbox when changing gears? Didn't get that. How I solved the problem? I got myself an automatic car.
I have a huge ego and a mentality which constitutes to I can do anything. I guess that's me.