Saturday, April 30

There is only one sin, only one. And that is theft. Every other sin is a variation of theft: When you kill a man, you steal a life. You steal his wife's right to a husband, rob his children of a father. When you tell a lie, you steal someone's right to the truth. When you cheat, you steal the right to fairness.

So I'm about to start studying. I have Constitutional Law, The National Credit Act and Accounting to choose between...#DecisionsDecisions! And I'm half-way through the book I bought yesterday. It's rather amazing indeed! Vivid might be the correct word even. Anyways. Today I shall be productive. And it all shall start with a cup of coffee. Aaah, life is good sometimes! (Note I shall be leaving out the fact that it's horribly freezing and that the people of this country can't build houses that keep out the cold. It shall from now on be incorporated between the lines)

Friday, April 29

So today I went to the library in Walmer because I really need some new books. And in the one I'm reading now they keep going on about this book that was banned during the apartheid-era. So obviously I'm the way I am and just need to see what the fuss is about. However, the library doesn't have it so I chose a Margaret Atwood book instead haha. Completely normal behaviour. However, there's this little second hand bookshop next door...... So 10 rand later I am now the proud (....not knowing any better....) owner of Cry, the Beloved Country by Alan Paton. And damn shall I be disappointed if it doesn't live up to these expectations of mine!

Otherwise I just got home from having drinks at News Cafe, rather freezing outside. Now a cup of coffee and some accounting as there's a great lack of ecos in my inbox...... Have I ever mentioned I LOVE group assignments?!

Thursday, April 28

I really need to find some self-discipline. And I'm terribly cold. And should indeed leave Big Bang Theory and take a bubble bath instead. And I should really start with Constitutional Law.....

Wednesday, April 27

Monday, April 25

Home Sweet Home!

Thursday, April 21

Wednesday, April 20

Sometimes loneliness is so much better when you're not alone.
How cereal is eaten when the dishwasher is full and forgotten to be put on by me myself and I?
Obviously out of a plastic container with a soup-spoon thingie.....

Tuesday, April 19

Last goddamn test for the semester tomorrow. Then I shall focus on changing tyres and finding a spark for my little baby. And get burglar-bars. That's it. And sleep. And memorise the constitutional law (The Horror! The Horror!) book. Now: Carrot cake and coffee. And CCs. Poooo!

Monday, April 18

Sunday, April 17

Waaaaaaa so not on top of things right now! Need to email the ecos stuff. Like now. And finish the accounting. And summarize more CCs. Wwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Saturday, April 16

I need a t-shirt like this one!
Now: watch Chicago and drink coffee. Later: Type Financial Markets and summarize CCs. With who? ALONE. Finally.

So this past week havn't really been going my way at all, not really that the week before that was more in my favour...... But still. So I've realised that after having a night without studying that I shall now make myself a cup of tea and find a new book to start reading. Then it's only one week left until holiday. Or well, what would have been a holiday if it wasn't for the fact that I have way too much to do in order to relax. This weekend I need to finish the financial market project, research the insurance project and start studying for business entities. But first. Tea and book. And sleep. Love the wisdom below by the way. Amazingness!
There are two kinds of people:
Those chasing pleasure &
Those running from pain. 
Pleasure helps you forget.
Pain forces you to hope.
Tell yourself this can't last,
Today could be different, the day everything changes.

Wednesday, April 13

I might feel worse than this. Just putting it out there. I even have a pimple. The horror! The horror! to be as sick as goddamn possible and have two semestertests after eachother. love bcomlaw. would love to be able to breath so i could sleep. it would be terribly nice. bye.

Tuesday, April 12

Writing Economics of Financial Markets tomorrow and Managerial Economics on Thursday. Fingers crossed my dears! I also have to say, this thing with a new hair-colour is waaaaaaaaaay too underrated!

Sunday, April 10

I have decided today is going to be a good day. Thus I try to remove the huge lump in my stomach regarding my Constitutional test. Love this song by the way. Amazingness!

Saturday, April 9

I am going to fail the first test of constitutional law. Not a very good feeling I shall tell you. I am kind off panicking. As I shall be very happy if I get 30%. Never ever in the history of Malin Holmquist has there been a 30% test score, well except for last years accounting, but anyway. I am rather upset and shall now be eating sour-woolies-sweets. Even though they've made my gums sore already. I am sad.

I'm so glad that I have amazing friends. Don't know what I would do without them. Now: a long bubble bath to forget the misery in life and sober up.

Thursday, April 7

So lately I've been zoning out more than usual. I love living in my own bubble. With Rockband by Usher in my headphones. I just need some time to figure things out. It's rather messy right now after all. It has a tendency of becoming like that after a while. Lack of peace of mind is rather frustrating. Thus I try to not think about it, easier that way after all. However, what I was getting at is the fact that I tend to have songs in my head, or quotes from movies. Yes I'm random like that.
So I just got raped. By Constitutional law. It just doesn't seem to be my module. Now I shall be doing some more accounting. Love caffein. Foreva n eva!

Wednesday, April 6

Tuesday and I'm in love. How gorgeous isn't this masterpiece from Lanvin?! Gimmegimme! Otherwise the day started off with missing accounting due to lack of alarmclock, rather brilliant indeed! Then business entities lecture, law of sale semester-test, an hour of economics, a visit at Paulina and lastly dinner with Andrew. I should really and truly read through the constitutional law chapters now, but oh so much more I need to sleep. Therefore sleep I shall and hopefully manage to wake up with an alarm tomorrow. And damn I love this dress! That's all. Tjing!

Monday, April 4

Sunday, April 3

Shietpomfriet! I do indeed not very much like this very module of Sale and Suretyship very much. Contract on steroids.. And I need to finish the last exercise of accounting. And I'm listening to Sunrise Avenue. Tralala. Nothing more to add to this very Sunday evening. I spoke to my bestest friend last night. Very well spent time indeed! That's kinda it. Now I need some more caffein. Boomshakalakawoowoo!

Saturday, April 2

Have I ever mentioned life is rather amazing? Well, it is.
       Even if I was shit-scared at varsity today. But that for another day.

Friday, April 1

So Law Ball..... I'm thinking a dress like this one. OOOOOOOH PRETTY!

This is my sister. She is completely normal. WAHAHAHA!
And it's Friday! And I'm freshly showered with a cup of coffee in my hand. Love these moments I get to myself.

In an hour I have the final class for the week, insurance law, and then I shall be spending the evening at the library finishing off sale and complete this week's accounting. Thereafter Lee shall be baking semlor (the picture below)!!!!! Oh the joy! He better be able to do this, the pressure is rather compelling indeed!