Wednesday, May 25
So today I have......
Slept 12 hours. In newly washed bedding. Love the feeling! Then took a long shower. Realised I need to sort out my hair again....two weeks later. Just love having hair that grows like weed. Then had breakfast in the shape of a cup of coffee, frosties and milk. Spoke to my dad. Packed a bag to go to varsity. Read the new ELLE. Drove to NMMU with the ambition to avoid the floods which the rainfall had created. Stopped to get some petrol. Arrived at varisty, no rain in Summerstrand... How lovely! Went to a lecture where he spoke about the principle of estoppel. Went to Prof Govindjee and got my DP for Constitution, WOHO! Sat through a lecture which was suppose to tell us what we should study for the exam....he should have said what we shouldn't study, would have saved everyone some time. Then went to Spar to get food. Then an accounting lecture, love that subject for some strange reason. Then went to the library to study managerial economics, I left to go to have coffee with Paulina. And now I've had ciabatta with cheese and tomato, and a cup of coffee and is just about to start watching Eat Pray Love.
Tomorrow we shall try out a new breakfast place in Richmond Hill. And go to an accounting lecture. And finish study managerial economics. I believe that's it.