So let me invite you to a sneak-peak in the exciting life of a Swede in Africa!
Last night I realised I only have two units left on my electricitymeter (approx. one hour of electricity before the flat becomes dark...very dark), so I drive to the store to get more....and the system is the entire city....
This morning I decided to go to gym early (5am early) I arrive there at 5.02, and the gym is dark, very dark. 5.02 becomes 5.12, and 5.22 and eventually 5.32, and yet the gym is dark...very dark. So I go back home and sleep. Only to return this afternoon, I have this amazing 40 well spent minutes of torture on the orbitrec, return to my car to drive home.... and my right wheels are slashed. As in BOTH the front and the back one.. So now I have to phone the mechanic to tow my car and buy FOUR new wheels, and I arrive home to find my very belated electricity bill, which is supposed to arrive monthly, but due to the amazing postal-services of this country, this happens more bi-annually than anything else.
Ah but at least the sun is shining and there's no lions in the street....Right..??