Tuesday, April 17

Ah talk about a draining day! Every single fucking phone call I've made has either been 1. Rejected or 2. Not answered. Which in my book is pretty much the same thing. And can I expect a call in return? No apparently that's no longer the norm. So I am officially done with people. When not even my mother is picking up her phone. Well it's finito!

I'm almost done with this godforsaken assignment as well! Only a 500 word conclusion and the thing is over and done with. I'm contemplating finding food, and I would kill for a cup of coffee, but due to the lack of sleep. Yes, two-three hours is just not enough. Why have I slept so little? Well it's sure as hell not by choice, and it's making these past days so much worse than what they've probably been. And it's making the people seem so much meaner than what they probably are. And I'm feeling more neglected than what I might possibly be.

Good thing about today? Apparently my favourite lecturer of all times Ismail is telling people I got 100% for last years semester test in Financial Markets...oh boy! oh boy! Aaaand the new ELLE is out!