Sunday, May 15

What a motherfucking fuckup! Here I was thinking, oh sweet, I'm just gonna finish this horrible week and hopefully pass all the tests, and then sort out this mess I've managed to end up in after the accounting on Friday. And then everything is going to be amazing again and I shall be at peace.....If it wasn't for the fact that I'm getting ignored and completely fucked up my accounting test. And that my mother have managed to fuck up even worse than ever could have been expected doesn't really help my state of mind of peacefulness at all. Thank God for semlor, Lee (yes it was rather successful after all haha), the aviators and amazing friends, and beer. Terribly happy I have some things to be happy for, which can distract me from everything which is just going down the drain. Yes that's it for now. Just came home from dropping off Lee and I should probably take a pill or two to get some sleep. Over n Out.