Sunday, July 15

Tired of this god awful rain that just doesn't seem to stop. Don't really want to study. But don't want to be a bum either. Spent way too long time walking in a way too steep angle today. Will most certainly die tomorrow. Have booked a flight home. Although no money is being withdrawn from my account. It is a mystery indeed! Busy being fascinated over these amazing notes of mine. Pity it didn't exactly help much. Busy drinking coffee and starving. Need that tattoo on skinny ribs. Thus; starvation and excessive exercise for the coming month....if not longer.....need to purchase carrots. Miss Max like crazy and hate my phone and the fact it doesn't want to bluetooth the pictures from East London and last night to my computer. Other than that? Tomorrow I shall be a dedicated geek, write on Tuesday and Wednesday, thereafter decorate my flat and hopefully do some washing.